How to Prepare for your In-home Session

Yay! You’re all booked in…

Photographed: Baby J – 3 weeks new

So, you’re all booked in and can’t wait for your photo session. But how exactly do you prepare for an in-home session with your family?

My role as an In-Home Photographer is to make the process as easy and smooth as possible. This includes sending you helpful information prior to your session, speaking on the phone with you, answering any and every question you may have. Generally speaking, I’m on hand to make sure you get the most out of your photo session.

Often, there may be some anxiety around how your little one may do on the day of your photo session. But my advice is always to ‘go with the flow’. The minute you relax and let your children feel what’s true to them in that moment, it instantly and subconsciously takes the pressure off them. I always guarantee beautiful photos no matter what, even if it takes a little longer than expected, it’s always worth it.

A few more ways to prepare for your session include:

What space will be used in your home

It is helpful to know or at least have an idea of where the session will be taking place in your home. It saves on time on the day having to scout areas in the house, but also it can set the tone for your little people. Knowing the session will take place in the living room for example, means the TV won’t be on, which helps them mentally prepare for that. I am always available for a quick FaceTime too if you’re unsure on which area would be best for your in-home photo session.

Creating a calm atmosphere

As per my example above, it’s always encouraged to switch off any distractions. This includes but is not limited to: any screens, radio/music etc. Making sure the environment is calm from the beginning is the holy grail of all in-home photo sessions. Of course, with siblings this isn’t always possible. Thankfully, newborns become accustomed to their noisy co-habitants pretty early on (from inside the womb usually!), so this won’t be too much of a disruption as you might initially think.

No spectators

Avoid inviting additional family members and friends to simply watch your in-home photo session. Unless they are in the session themselves, it can often be unhelpful to have people watching on. It can create pressure for little people and it all goes back to that old text-book phrase: “Too many chefs”…I

Preparing little ones in good time

It takes me roughly 30 minutes to set up my little pop-up studio. This is the perfect time to start to get your little ones ready for the in-home photo session. The timing of getting them ready up to the point of when they start having their photos taken by me is key. Avoid too much waiting around time as they tend to get impatient and restless. With newborns, it’s slightly different and we have more flexibility as time is an enigma for them (and to new parents everywhere, let’s be honest!)


People often don’t believe me when I say outfits can really make an in-home photo session. And just by making sure that clothes are organised and ironed the night before will help make your images pop. You can find out more on my What to Wear Blog.

Each family is different and over the years, I’ve mastered the art of adaptability. If you have any special requests regarding your in-home photo session, I’m more than happy to talk these through with you and accommodate where possible.

It’s your session and your memories, let’s capture the magic.

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