Why a Pop-Up Studio?

Me on my Little Pop-Up Studio (backdrop: light pink)

Me on my Little Pop-Up Studio (backdrop: light pink)

From the beginning…

When I became a Mama, something that took me a long time to adjust to was just how long it took to do everything and anything! Going to a doctor’s appointment, jumping in the shower, sitting down with a coffee. Everything dragged out, never happened or I’d be super duper late for. Every mundane task that I intended to do easily took three times as long and things that I used to enjoy really started to make me feel stressed. I found it frustrating and constantly felt like I was letting people down or wasn’t doing enough. There’s unspoken expectation that you could (and should) resume life as normal after giving birth. Just  with a baby glued to your hip, arms and chest. It’s not impossible, I know many super mamas and dads, but it definitely catches up with you and starts to wear you down.

So as I began developing my business, I knew that this was an area I really wanted to focus on. Creating a portrait studio experience for new parents with the intention of them not needing to think! Because when you have a tiny baby and a growing family, there is just so much to constantly think about. Couple that with the lack of sleep, it can be a truly gruelling time during that newborn bubble.

The Process

I wanted to cut out the going-to-a-photography-studio experience whilst maintaining the photography studio elements and of course, quality. I spent a lot of time in the early days researching how to make the process less invasive, utilise small spaces, work with natural light and ways to streamline equipment without doubling my time in the edit.

I believe that in the early days, our children tend to mirror our habits, moods and feelings. If we are physically uncomfortable, our little ones can recognise that and replicate those similar feelings in ways that we often don’t understand.

For example, when we first started to potty train our daughter, I wasn’t really sure how to approach the process. The idea of wee everywhere made me anxious and was reflected in my changed behaviour towards her. I would constantly ask her if she needed to go potty, watch her every move and basically became intense. Consequently, she didn’t recognise this in me and it made her feel uneasy and nervous (understandably – what’s with this crazy lady?!) leading to more accidents, more tears and general overwhelm from all parties involved. It was only when I bought the book ‘Oh Crap! Potty Training’ By Jamie Glowacki (thank me later!) and I completely relaxed my approach to potty training that we started to see progress.

In-home Photo Studio

I’d like to think that I have tested this science and proved it with my Little Pop-Up Studio. As we tend to feel more comfortable and happy in our homes, that oxytocin trickles down to your little people leaving them more content and relaxed for their portrait sessions. I’ve found to be an integral part to the process.

With my older subjects, the Pop-Up Studio is like a mysterious fun game. “What is she going bringing out of her bag next?” Watching their living room transform into a set where they can play and explore is entertaining and that excited energy always translates beautifully in images.

Of course there’s a lot more that goes into my Little Pop-Up Studio, but if you ever wondered why an in-home studio, those are just a couple of my reasons. I often get asked if one day I will want to have my own studio, and my answer is always: Yes!

Shani Weekes, Child Portrait Photographer

I would love an open space and my own dreamy client wardrobe. swoons I envision myself doing test shots, hosting mini sessions and shoot days from my very own space one day, but I’ll never stop or fall out with my first love: The Little Pop-Up Studio – ‘bringing the magic of the studio to you’.

Shani XO

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