My 6 Tips for Outfits for a Session

I get it all the time:

“What should we wear for our session?”


I’m genuinely flattered that my clients trust my fashion sense, but as a photographer, I mostly advise from a creative and practical viewpoint. For ease, I always send out an Outfit Guide pdf once you have booked a session and I have even curated a Pinterest board to get the creative juices flowing for parents in doubt.

But for clarity, here are My 6 tips for Outfits for a Little Pop-Up Session. I’ve purposely called them ‘tips’ as opposed to ‘do’s and don’ts’ as I still think it’s important that parents have creative input into their little one’s session – it’s all part of the little pop-up journey and fun after all.

1.     Avoid awkward buttons, clips and tight-fitting clothes

Getting your little ones dressed can be a task on a regular weekday. So for smoother transitions between outfits, I always suggest zips and flowy clothes.

2.     Aim for more neutral colours and tones

To be clear, this is just a tip and not a rule. Unless it’s a Make It your Own, my sessions are mainly shot on either my Little White Studio or outdoors in nature. For that reason, I find sticking to neutral tones such as your creams, whites, light greys and blacks often the safer option.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an absolute sucker for cute pastel colours and sometimes clients have their own colour scheme in mind before the session, which I love! Light colours and denims photograph really nicely and a pop of colour can really do wonders for your session, but for the most part – think neutral and then maybe add a splash of colour with accessories.

3.     Avoid more than 3 outfit changes

Sort of linking back to my first tip, more than 3 outfit changes for a little person (or an adult even) will send them (and you) over the edge. All of my portrait sessions only include 3 outfit changes anyway, so make sure you have them narrowed down the night before. I often suggest flat-laying clothes out on the bed so you can see what you’re working with; which leads me nicely to my next tip…

4.     Get the iron out

I feel like such a hypocrite saying this as I HATE ironing, but for any portrait session, it’s absolutely essential. Creased clothes look awful in photos and can often distract from the lovely smiling faces (not to mention it being an absolute pain to edit out!)

5.     Try to colour coordinate for Family Sessions

It might feel like a job finding an outfit for everyone that will compliment one another, but I promise, you won’t regret it! It adds an extra something special to the final images – you will just have to to trust me on this and I’m always happy to advise 🙂

6.     Avoid logos and geometric patterns

Logos – big and small, take away from the timeless feel of the family images so it’s best to avoid them at all costs. Furthermore, agencies prefer not to see who your little ones are wearing in headshots and model cards alike. Geometric patterns can often be too distracting in portraits so are also best to avoid all together.


Part of being a photographer is wearing many hats and having a keen eye for detail. I’ve seen it all and I know what does and doesn’t work for sessions. Preparing you to have the best possible gallery is my only goal, so that you can hold on to and love on it for a lifetime.

You can check out the reel I made during a game of ‘dress up’ with my toddler for a giggle on this topic.

Shani xo

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