My Year in Review – Top 5 Moments with The Little Pop-Up Studio

If you didn’t know this about me already, I’m big on setting goals, planning ahead and manifesting. I think it’s sort of the default for many entrepreneurs and creatives, and ends up being the way we partly manage our lives, success and growth – all in a nice healthy dose of course!

So here I am, on the last day of the year, ticking off the goals that I achieved. I want to highlight my proudest moments and I felt compelled to share them with you all. This is not a means to brag or to be boastful, but to mark a moment to celebrate the small and big wins and in turn, encourage you all to do the same!

For many reasons, the year 2022 was personally transforming and full of really hard and testing periods. To achieve as much as I did through these pressures, emotions and hardships, it’s nice to say that I am proud of me.

  1. Hosting my own working with a major brand was definitely not on my 2022 bingo card, but what a way to end the year! You can read about my experience on the blog.
  2. Photographing 6 weddings this year has definitely made me hungry for more. This time last year, I had only done 1 and it still felt a little out of reach. But I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, with various sleepless nights and anxiety-ridden days – all completely worth it! And I look forward to doing more in the new year. Check out my wedding website.
  3. I love my Little Pop-Up Studio, and I was excited and determined to get outdoors and play with natural light more. And boy, did I have a ball! Thank you to all the special families who joined me outside and allowed me to get creative.
  4. Two front covers for Haringey People Magazine was also something I didn’t have on my bingo card, but what an absolute pleasure it was. I’ve also loved working within my community more, meeting and learning from inspiring local people is always good for the soul.
  5. I didn’t give up! It might sound ridiculous and perhaps a little naïve, but honestly, I am so proud of myself for never once giving up. Riding this rollercoaster of running a small business is not always easy, but it’s completely worth it.

If you haven’t already, I urge you to take some time and write down 5 things that you’re proud of yourself for achieving or simply doing this year. Everyone is so set on making new years resolutions when sometimes a little bit of reflection can tell you everything you need to know about where you’re heading 😉

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you love, peace and a prosperous 2023.

Lots of love,

Shani xo

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