Baby and Child Headshots

As a photographer, there’s nothing I love more than getting to know your little ones. Their personalities and sense of fun is so contagious and in a weird way, often slightly intimidating! These young minds have no fear; just ambition and a thirst to try it all and I’m just so here for that! Words of sheer self-belief that come to mind from past photo sessions, “I could probably climb Mount Everest, I just need the right shoes,” “Nobody is faster than me!” “You can’t kick as high as me”“ need I go on – it’s pretty epic stuff. I always say, we definitely learn/are reminded of a thing or two from our little ones on a daily basis.

That’s why I’ve really been drawn to child headshots as of late. I love the idea of embellishing your little ones’s aspirations and helping them to grow in confidence in the process. Although the model, dancer and actor agency world can be fierce with competition, there is plenty of room for all children to shine, and a crisp and professional head shot is often the best way to get your foot in the door.

I get asked by parents all the time and in short, the answer is yes – I do take headshots!

Baby & Child Headshots with The Little Pop-Up Studio

  • 1 hour time slot

  • Outdoor Session (I can shoot somewhere locally to you or we can agree on a location prior)

  • Little Pop-Up indoor Session in the comfort of your home

  • Private online gallery of up to 12 images

  • Fully edited images for you to download straight from your gallery

  • Black and white duplicate images

Book here

To book, I will require a £50 deposit to secure your child’s session.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here.

Let’s make some magic and kickstart some dreams.

Shani x

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